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Garden Life: SporeShift founder talk at the Canterbury Horticultural Society Sept 2024


SporeShift founder, Taylor McConnell, recently gave a talk at the Canterbury Horticultural Society at the Botanic Gardens in Christchurch.

The talk is just over a half hour long and covers:

Intro: How SporeShift got started

  • Early inspiration - watching >> Paul Stamets on an early (2017) Joe Rogan podcast.

  • Starting with a Oyster mushroom kit from Bunnings!

  • Supplying NZ restaurants with fresh gourmet Oyster, Shiitake, Tawaka & Pekepeke-Kiore (Hericium Novae Zealandiae).

  • Pivoting to offering grow kits, spawn & mushroom growing supplies via this online store during Covid-times (at one point during lockdowns the SporeShift farm was dumping about 80-100kg of fresh mushrooms per week).

  • Producing mushroom spawn, culture work and support for other mushroom farms to grow mushrooms for their local community, farmers markets and restaurants.

Three Simple Growing Methods:

  1. Fast & Easy & Indoors, beginner - Growing Mushrooms at home using simple Grow Kits

  2. Slower, but still Easy & Outdoors, beginner - Growing Mushrooms on Logs in the home garden

  3. Seasonal, gardeners favorite - Growing King Stropharia in your veggie garden - an excellent method to promote soil health in your garden and get a crop of tasty mushrooms alongside your spuds, corn and lettuces!

The talk closes with a lively Q & A.


If you are keen to avail yourself of any of the kits or products Taylor refers to in his talk here are some links to them:

Simple grow your own mushrooms at home kits:

Growing mushrooms on logs:

Growing King Stropharia in your garden:

Mushroom grain spawn - for growing a larger supply of mushrooms using more advanced technique:

>> Mushroom grain Spawn (8 Species options) - if you'd like to grow mushrooms to sell at a local market or in your community please do enquire about our wholesale rates and feel free to ask us for advice on establishing a successful operation.


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